Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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730 lines
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a PaletteChange
message is received. This occurs when the user has finished
dragging the sliders on the Palette application, or when a
new palette is loaded. It is also called when the handler is
set up so that the user application can note the current
Note that this message is not issued when the screen mode
changes, so tasks interested in colour mapping changes should
call PROCshell_AttachModeChangeHandler as well.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachPaletteChangeHandler)
=> None
This function is called when a PaletteChange message is
received and also when PROCshell_AttachPaletteChangeHandler
is called.
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a ModeChange
message is received. This allows the application to check
any mode-specific parameters such as screen width etc. It
is also called when the handler is set up so that the user
application can note the current parameters.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachModeChangeHandler)
=> None
This function is called when a ModeChange message is
received and also when PROCshell_AttachModeChangeHandler
is called
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a TaskInitialise
message is received. This allows the application to keep
track of any new tasks started after it.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachTaskInitialiseHandler)
=> int task handle
str task name
<= int ignored
This function is called when a TaskInitialise message is
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a TaskCloseDown
message is received.This message is sent when a task (other
than the current one) is killed.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachTaskCloseDownHandler)
=> None
This function is called when a TaskCloseDown message is
=> int window handle
int pane handle
int pane flags
int x offset of pane relative to parent window
int y offset of pane relative to parent window
Pane Flags (PROCshell_AttachPane)
0 = attached to parent window work area
1 = not used
2 = attached to left edge
3 = attached to bottom edge
4 = attached to right edge
5 = attached to top edge
If necessary the window flags of the pane window are
changed so that the 'pane' bit is on and the 'moveable'
bit is off, so that editing the template file is not
=> int parent window handle
int pane window handle
Detaches a pane from a parent window and closes it.
The pane can be reopened with PROCshell_ShowPane
=> int parent window handle
int pane window handle
Reopens a pane that has been hidden with
=> int window handle
int icon handle
int filetype to recognise and optionally
load (see no load flag)
str function name
bool no load flag
Note that it is possible to call this function for
the same window/icon pair more than once giving
different filetypes (and function names if required)
to allow the handling of multiple filetypes.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachDataLoad)
=> int address file has been loaded at
int filetype of file
str full pathname of file
int file size (from dataload message)
Note that if the event was attached with the
no load flag set to TRUE the address will
be -1 and the user application is expected to
actually load the file.
DataLoad 'No Load' flag
FALSE = data file is loaded in a heap block and
the name and address is returned to the
user application.
TRUE = only the data file name and type is
returned to the user application.
This flag is provided for maximum flexibility
when dealing with drag loads. When you are
converting an existing program to run under the
EvntShell system you may already have a working
load routine. In this case set the flag to TRUE
and when a drag load occurs your application will
be told the filename, which may then be loaded
and processed as required.
When this flag is FALSE the library routines will
reserve a memory block for the file and load it
For the technical of you out there the library
stores the status of the no load flag in the top
bit of the filetype number. This will end in tears
when RISC-OS 4 comes out...
=> int window handle
int icon handle
int address of heapblock holding data or
the estimated file size
int file type for saved file
int icon nr of filename icon
str function name (optional if data
is held in a heapblock)
Attaches a datasave handler to a window/icon pair. A
typical use would be in a 'Save As' dialog box, the
icon handle being that of the 'File Type' icon.
If icon 0 in the window is clicked on then a check
is made that the filename icon contains a valid
path name, generating an error if it does not.
An error may also be generated when the drag starts
if the filename icon is blank. You must specify an
icon handle to contain the file name - if you don't
want the name to be displayed for editable then put
it in a hidden icon (i.e. outside the window visible
Note that the third parameter can point to a heap
block containing the data to save which means that
the data must exist in the block (or at least the
block must exist and be the correct size) before
this routine is called. If this parameter is >&8000
it is taken to be a pointer to the heap block , and
the name of the function to perform the save is
optional. The specified function will be called in
this case.
Alternatively this parameter can be an estimated
file size (i.e. <&8000) in which case the user
function may write directly into the file whose
name is given as a parameter to the function. RAM
transfer is not possible if this is the case.
The button type of the filetype icon is automatically
changed to click/drag.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachDataSave)
=> str full filename of file
This function is not called if the file is stored
in a heap block. In this case the whole contents of
the heap block are transferred.
Estimated File Sizes
It should (if other applications are written to
the Acorn guidelines!) not matter if this estimate
is inaccurate. However, file transfer will be a
little faster if it is accurate and problems may
occur with badly written applications if it is not.
=> int window handle
int icon handle
str function name
The button type of the icon will be changed
to 'Click' (type 3) if the icon originally
had a type of 'Never' (type 0).
User FN (PROCshell_AttachClickSelect)
=> int window handle
int icon handle
=> int window handle
int icon handle
str function name
The button type of the icon will be changed
to 'Click' (type 3) if the icon originally
had a type of 'Never' (type 0).
User FN (PROCshell_AttachClickAdjust)
=> int window handle
int icon handle
=> int window handle
str function name
A check is made to ensure that the 'Auto redraw' flag of
the window is off, and the flag is cleared automatically
if necessary (i.e. you don't have to use !FormEd or
similar to set the flag correctly)
User FN (PROCshell_AttachUserRedraw)
=> int address of block returned by redraw
int x origin of window (screen coords)
int y origin of window (screen coords)
The function to call when a redraw request
is made.
=> int window handle
int icon handle
str function name
User FN (FNshell_AttachDrag)
=> int window handle over which drag
int icon handle over which drag was
started (-1 for no icon)
=> int window handle
int icon handle
str <message tag=>MessageTag>
Note that any message tags found in icon
validation strings override tags set up by
this routine.
=> None
Not used in EvntShell library - use <PROCshell_WimpCloseDown_I> instead.
=> None
Called when the application shuts down (the library calls
this automatically)
=> int window handle
int icon handle (display value)
int icon handle (increment value)
int icon handle (decrement value)
int lower limit
int upper limit
int step
bool wrap flag
str function name 1 (can be "")
str function name 2 (can be "")
Bump icons are the arrows that allow you to alter the
value displayed in an icon (usually but not necessarily
a writable one). Note that a click on a bump icon with
ADJUST has the opposite effect to a click with SELECT.
Pressing SHIFT while clicking on a bump icon will double
the step value, CTRL will make the step 4 times larger,
SHIFT and CTRL makes the step 8 times larger.
User FN1 (PROCshell_AttachBumpHandler)
=> int value
int mouse button pressed (SELECT = 4,
<= str converted value
This function is called before the new value
is placed in the display icon.
An example would be converting an integer
value to the format 0h00 (i.e hours and mins).
DEF FN_dis_fn(val%)
See the !VBase2 demo app.
User FN2 (PROCshell_AttachBumpHandler)
=> str value to decode
<= int converted value
This function is called before the new value
is placed in the display icon.
An example would be converting a string "0h00"
back to an integer value.
DEF FN_decode_dis(val$)
See the !VBase2 demo app.
=> str key
bool shift flag
bool ctrl flag
bool alt flag
str window identifier
int window handle
str function name
str function name
Sets up a 'hotkey' event. Function keys F0-F11
(note NOT F12 as the task manager uses it under
RISC-OS 3) are supported.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachHotKey)
=> int window handle
The function to call before opening the window.
A function name of "" may be used if you don't
need to call a function. This would normally be
used to fill in icon fields and set the state
of radio buttons
User FN (PROCshell_AttachHotKey)
=> int window handle
The function to call after opening the window.
A function name of "" may be used if you don't
need to call a function.
Key (PROCshell_AttachHotKey)
The key string normally consists of one ASCII
character i.e. "R". When the ctrl flag is set
this would cause the actions to be carried out
when CTRL-R is pressed.
The string may also contain "F1" to "F11" to
allow function keys to be used. No checking is
performed on the string.
Window (PROCshell_AttachHotKey)
The window identifier specifies the name
of the window you want to appear when the
keypress is received. This parameter is
optional as you might not always want to
open a window.
The window is a 'dynamic' dialog box which
will disappear when <ESC> is pressed and
is opened in such a position that the mouse
pointer is in the middle of the window
(where possible).
Window Handle (shell_AttachHotKey)
When this is >0 then the window
created will be static i.e. it will not
be removed when the mouse is clicked
outside it, or when <ESC> is pressed.
=> None
Called everytime a null reason code is received
=> int address of message block
Called every time an unknown message is received.
=> int window handle
str function name
Registers a function name to be called when an
CloseWindow message is received. This is useful
to prevent the window closing if so doing
would involve loss of data.
This message is issued when the window close
icon is clicked on.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachCloseWindowHandler)
=> int window handle
<= bool 0 to disallow close, non 0 to
=> int window handle
str function name
Registers a function name to be called when an
OpenWindow message is received. This is useful
so that the application can set a flag to
avoid doing window redraws while the window is
closed for example.
This message is issued when the window is
dragged around the screen as well as when
the program opens the window. You should avoid
doing time consuming stuff in the function that
is called therefore.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachOpenWindowHandler)
=> None
<= bool 0 to disallow open, non 0 to
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a
PreQuit message is received. This gives the
application a chance to save data or abort
the shutdown.
This message is issued when the task is quit
from the Task Manager, or when CTRL-SHIFT-F12
is pressed (under RISC OS 3).
User FN (PROCshell_AttachPreQuitHandler)
=> None
<= bool non 0 to allow quit, 0 to
cancel quit
This function is called when a PreQuit
message is received.
=> int window handle
int menu icon handle
int display icon handle
int menu handle
str user function (optional)
Provides for automatic updating of a display
icon when a selection is made from the
attached colour menu. If a user function name
is not supplied then the display icon shows
the selected menu item background colour.
The button type of the menu icon is changed
to 3 to ensure the menu opens when <SELECT>
is used.
=> int window handle
int menu icon handle
int display icon handle
int menu handle
str notify function (optional)
str preopen function (optional)
Provides for automatic updating of a display
icon when a selection is made from the
attached menu. If a user function name is
not supplied then the display icon shows
the selected menu item text.
The button type of the menu icon is changed
to 3 to ensure the menu opens when <SELECT>
is used.
Notify FN (AttachPopupMenu)
=> int window handle
int display icon handle
str menu text of selected item
<= bool TRUE if text should be inserted
in the display icon, FALSE
PreOpen FN (PROCshell_AttachPopupMenu)
=> int handle of menu
<= int no meaning
It is possible that the menu handle could be 0,
denoting that no menu has been created. In this
case the handle can be ignored and a new menu
=> int window handle
int menu icon handle
int display icon handle (may be -1)
str notify FN (may be "")
str preopen FN (may be "")
This popup displays a Calendar for the current
month (although the month may be incremented
and decremented) enabling the selection of a
To use this popup two extension libraries must
be loaded, CalLib and DatePick. This can be done
as follows:
void% = FNshell_InstallLib( "<EvntShell$Path>
Extensions.CalLib" )
void% = FNshell_InstallLib( "<EvntShell$Path>
Extensions.DatePick" )
In addition a template called 'datepicker' must
exist in the loaded template file. This can be
found in the !EvntShell application in the
directory Resources.UK.Templates.2D and 3D. The
appearance may be edited but the icons may not
be renumbered.
The message file must also include the following
#message strings for CalLib
Notify FN (PROCshell_AttachPopupDatePicker)
=> str date in dd.mm.yy format
This function is called when a valid
selection has been made in the DatePicker
popup. If this function is supplied then
it is up to your application to act on
the returned date. Otherwise the specified
display icon is updated with the string.
PreOpen FN (PROCshell_AttachPopupDatePicker)
=> int window handle of dbox
<= int no meaning
=> None
Returns the value of the last mouse button
pressed. 4 = SELECT, 2 = MENU, 1 = ADJUST
=> int window handle
int icon handle
str function to call when value
User FN (PROCshell_AttachIconWatch)
=> str new icon contents
<= int no meaning
=> str menu name
int item handle
str message tag
This facility is only available under Risc OS 3 or
=> None
<= int icon handle the drag started on
=> None
<= int window handle the drag started in
=> None
<= bool TRUE if a drag is in progress, FALSE
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a save desktop
message is received. This occurs when the user has selected
'Desktop boot -> Save' from the iconbar menu of the Task
If this routine is not called then the line added to the desktop
boot file is a command to run the application when the file
is executed. However, it is possible to specify the line added
to the file using this routine which enables the command line
to contain the name of the currently loaded file for example.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachSaveDesktopHandler)
=> None
<= str command line to add to the desktop boot file
currently being written.
=> str function name
Registers a function name to be called when a desktop
font change message is received.
User FN (PROCshell_AttachDeskFontChangeHandler)
=> int handle of new font
<= int (no meaning)
=> str user FN to call when event occurs
User FN (PROCshell_AttachPointerEnteringWindowHandler)
=> int window handle
=> str user FN to call when event occurs
User FN (PROCshell_AttachPointerLeavingWindowHandler)
=> int window handle